15th Anniversary of CUT

The Collectif Urgence Toxida celebrates its 15 years of actions in harm reductionwith people who use drugs. It was on October 17, 2007 that the Collectif Urgence Toxida was officially registered as a non-governmental organization, it was the very first organization to implement harm reduction in Africa! However, the CUT adventure had already begun. However, […]

Communiqué de presse UNLEARNED

Communiqué de presse. « UNLEARNED », oublier ce que l’on a appris et réapprendre à vivre ensemble. Lancement du trailer d’un documentaire basé sur une recherche sur la qualité de vie et du bien-être des populations prioritaires menée par le Collectif Urgence Toxida. Le Collectif Urgence Toxida à travers une conférence de presse qui s’est […]

Press release

The Collectif Urgence Toxida between concern and hope for the fight against HIVon the occasion of the international day of December 1st. On the eve of December 1st, the Collectif Urgence Toxida shares its concern for the future of the fight against HIV. The health crisis not only has an impact on the fight, but […]

Founded in 2007, Collectif Urgence Toxida is the first organization in the African region to implement a harm reduction program.


Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam Avenue,
Quatre Bornes, 72211, Mauritius


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